Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I am envious of all you pregnant ladies out there. Seriously. I wish I could be pregnant pretty much every day for the rest of my life. I never felt better than when I was pregnant. Even when I was HUGE and swollen I felt beautiful and I really miss that. ( I also miss the sweet little baby at the end of the pregnancy but that's a whole other topic for a later date.)

I have two sister-in-laws who are expecting babies later this year and I have to say that while I'm a little bit jealous I also know that now is definitely not the time for us to add to our family. I have mixed feelings about this because my female mommy hormones are screaming at me to jump on my husband and make a baby, but my brain is telling me not yet. I'm not a patient person and it's really hard for me to not get what I want, when I want it, regardless of consequences. I'm just that kind of person. I usually act on something before I think it through completely and that has gotten me in trouble a few times.

On a positive note: we do have a date set for when we will be trying to conceive again and I am just counting down the (hundreds of) days. No, I'm not going to tell you when, nice try though. :) I want Jackson to be my one and only "baby" for a while longer. He needs my undivided attention right now and I would prefer to have him potty trained before another baby comes along. I can't imagine having two little ones in diapers!

Jackson. He is growing up so much. I think every day he learns a new sign or word and actually uses it when he's supposed to. He talks to us more and when we ask what he needs, he can tell us. I love that he can do this. He has started running instead of just walking and is learning to climb up on our couches and get into more things. Here are his achievements so far:

Mom, Mama, Mommy
Dad, Dadda, Daddy
Grandma (Gama)
Grandpa (Ganpa)
Bottle (ba-ba)
Mmmmm (food)
Num-num (while eating food)
Banana (na-na)


He will also point to his belly when you ask him where his belly is and he'll point to himself when you ask him "Where's Jackson?". He "stomps" and bonks his head on command which is super cute. I know I'm totally bragging about my kid, I can't help it, he's just so dang smart!

He fell asleep on the hard floor. Poor little guy was worn out!

Our little family is doing well. We can't wait for spring and summer and the new babies (that I get to snuggle, yay!) that are to come late summer. In the meantime, we are staying busy and always finding ways to count our blessings!