Friday, July 19, 2013

No Place Like Home

I never know what to tell people when they ask me what's going on in my life. Am I going back to North Dakota? If so, when? Where is Davy? When does he get to come home? Is he looking for jobs in Idaho? How's the job hunt going? How do you feel when he is gone? How do the boys do without their daddy?

The answers, unfortunately, are ever changing. They change day to day depending on how my day goes or how Davy's day went at work. They are having a company change over at the place Davy works for so raises, benefits, retirement, investments and all of that is being rearranged right now. Most of it is not good news for the employees. Davy is really missing Idaho and family so we are looking for work closer to (or in) Idaho. We have a few leads and he's sent his resume in to a few places so now we are waiting and watching for more opportunities.

I hope that he finds a job soon so that we don't have to go back to North Dakota and all of the trouble and hassle that comes with it. We liked North Dakota but it certainly wasn't home or a place that I would want to be forever. We met some great people and Jackson made some cute little friends that we will miss but there really is no place like home.

How do I feel when he is gone? I feel alone. I feel like a single parent even though I have plenty of help from family. I don't really make dinner because cooking for one is no fun. I make quick meals for the boys but I don't really eat well when Davy is not here (this could also have something to do with the heat we have been experiencing). Davy and I text throughout the day, usually just little "I love you" reminders, sometimes more details of how our days are going, etc. We both have accounts on Spotify and we share music with each other, songs that get us through our days, songs that remind us of the other person. It has really helped us to stay a little more connected. We talk on the phone every night and Skype each other once a week on Davy's day off. It's hard being hundreds of miles away from the one you love, there are good days and bad and we try to support each other through them, even with our limitations.

The boys do not like having their daddy gone. Jackson tells people that his dad is in North Dakota and it is always in such a melancholy tone. They truly thrive when he is home and when we are all with him as a family. We all get along better and are just all around happier when we're together. Remington's face lights up completely when he "talks" to Davy on the phone. When we Skype, he touches the screen and tries to grab his daddy's nose and lips. Jackson misses his daddy playing with him. Mommies just don't play the same way as daddies do.

Davy will be home in 10 days! We are planning Remington's 1st(!) Birthday party for the weekend when Davy will be home. I'm super excited, yet sad at the same time. My baby is learning very quickly how to walk. He goes further on his own every day and loves to prove how much he can do. He is also learning lots of new words and signs. He can say mama, dada, buh-buh, "I did it", dog, hi. He waves goodbye, blows kisses, and can sign "all done". He is so happy and sweet. He wakes up with a smile every day and stays that way most of the day. I couldn't ask for a happier little man.

Jackson is getting so grown up. He learns new things and can communicate very well with us. He is getting ready to go to preschool which is another happy yet sad moment for me. My toddler is now a preschooler and pretty soon he'll be a kindergartener and so on until he's no longer my "little" boy.  I was kissing his cheeks the other day and he tried to push me away so I snuggled him more and told him that even when he's 30 I'll still want to kiss him because he'll always be my little boy.  He is very in tune to how other's feel and is very empathetic of everyone. He loves to tell me what he is doing and show me what he is learning. I love playing and learning with him every day.

Idaho is definitely our happier place. We did fine in North Dakota but we really love the bonds with family and community that we have here in Idaho. I feel more connected to the world around me when I'm home and I feel so much happier. I can tell the boys and Davy feel the same way.

Anyway, thanks for reading about my feelings and how our family is doing. We missed you all and hope that you are having a wonderful summer!
 At our apartment in Tioga, ND. The boys loved playing on our balcony

We call this his "snooty" face

They snuck in to the snack cabinet

 Jackson "drilling for oil" in Williston, ND

Remington swimming in grandma's pool when we came back to Idaho
He wasn't too sure about it at that point

His very first sucker ...

Jackson was SO happy to be reunited with his best friend and cousin
More summer fun in Idaho

  Don't worry, Remington was only on for a second
He just really wanted to be one of the big boys



 Grandpa Joe's Birthday and the new fire pit
Love them.