Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Joys of Spring

It's March and Spring is tentatively here. I am really hoping for no more snow! My kids would have to agree. They love going outside to play and they especially love going to the park. We have been to the park twice in the last few weeks and they are loving all of the fun things to do outside. Last night, we went with some new and old friends to a park and played kickball. The boys and their little friends were more interested in the fun sand in the bases than the game itself. We all had fun and enjoyed the sun for the first time in months.

Remington has been growing up so much! He has been learning animal sounds this week and continues to amaze his big brother with all of the things he is learning. Jackson says all the time,
"Mom, Nemington is getting so smart! He's just growing up so fast!" He is climbing all over things and getting into cupboards, DVDs and all sorts of stuff he's not supposed to be getting into. He speaks to us in little sentences and is in the "copy-cat stage" where we have to watch what we say.  He is a happy little guy, even when he is teething and I am so grateful for him in our lives.

Jackson is also growing up so much. Four year olds are the best. Seriously. He rarely throws fits anymore and he really works at listening to us when we ask or tell him to do something. He is so inquisitive and intuitive. He says the funniest things and always has us laughing at his four year old wisdom and insight. He will be finished with this first year of preschool in May and then he will be playing T-ball this summer. I am excited to get outside with him this summer and teach him more about the world around us.

We have plans to go camping with friends this summer quite a lot and Davy is thrilled. I like camping, but it's not my favorite thing to do. I like running water, electricity, and flushing toilets too much to really love camping. However, I am really excited to take Jackson and Remington; they will love the fishing, getting dirty, and playing in the creeks and lakes.

Spring time always brings me out of whatever dark mood I might be in. The sun finally coming out from behind the clouds somehow makes me feel lighter and free. Davy and I are doing pretty well. We have had some prayers answered and received so many blessings this last year. We are so grateful for every day we have to spend together and with our little guys.

Happy Spring!