Wednesday, April 4, 2012

23 Weeks

 This week has been a little challenging for me. I woke up Sunday morning with severe lower back pain and some major cramping in my pelvis area. It was so bad that I could hardly function. So, Davy packed me into the car and off we went to Labor and Delivery. We got to the hospital and got all hooked up to the monitors and baby Remington was doing just fine. He had a normal heart rate and was very active. They checked to see if I was having contractions but they were very mild and nothing to worry about. They received the news that my urine culture came back and all that I have is the beginnings of a uti. What is frustrating is that I still have the pain in my lower back. I guess we will wait and see at my appointment next week what is going on in my body. My pregnancy with Jackson was literally so perfect. I had no health problems and in fact felt better than ever during the pregnancy. Obviously, that is not the case now. Even though I'm having some pain and had to deal with uncontrollable nausea for 10 weeks in the beginning, I wouldn't change this for anything in the world. It's just so worth it.

Here's the update!

 How Far Along: 23 weeks
Total Weight Gain: I'm down about 2 pounds now.
Sleep: I'm in pain and sleep intermittently. I go to sleep really early and toss and turn trying to get comfortable.
Stretch Marks: The same ones I received from Jackson growing in there, I think  :]
Best Moment This Week: Jackson woke up last night and got into my bed with me, snuggled in close and said, "I love you mommy". He sure knows how to make everything better
Movement:Oh yes. He is one crazy active little child. His movements are also a lot stronger and he loves to kick me in the bladder
Food Cravings: I'm feeling nauseous this week so the only thing I'm craving is Tootsie pops and jelly beans.
Gender: He's a BOY!
Labor Signs: Just some Braxton Hicks contractions
Belly Button: Still in but it's slowly progressing outward. It's getting smaller and smaller by the day!
What I Miss: This week I miss not having pain in my back :( I wish I could just go back to my normal pregnancy.
What I'm looking forward to: I'm looking forward to finding out the exact day this little man will come into the world. He has to come 7-10 days earlier than his due date because of a repeat c-section. So, for now the last day he can be an inside baby is July 25th.