Monday, December 28, 2009

Merry Christmas - 38 weeks pregnant

Davy and I had a wonderful 2nd Christmas together. We spent Christmas Eve with my family eating delicious food and enjoying the company. Christmas day was also full of family and friends and laughter. I love the holidays.

We invested in a new digital camera for Christmas so that we'll have pictures of our baby boy and hopefully get some pictures of our home since it's finally clean from most of the packing. Here's a picture of me on Christmas morning, 38 weeks pregnant:Jackson's crib is finally at our house! Now we just need time to get it put together. We also bought all of the materials so that Davy can start working on shelves in Jackson's closet for the millions of clothes that this little boy already has. I also took time this weekend to wash the car seat cover and get the car seat ready for him to come home in, now we just need the baby :] .

We were hoping to have our baby boy by now but it looks like he's really comfortable in the womb so we're not going to bother him too much. There is only 10 days until his due date, however, so we're hoping to meet him before then. We remind him often that he can come out anytime now and I think he's listening. I've had horrible pelvis pain the last few days and have felt his head engaging and getting further down. He's still so active, there's just so much less room for him that now I notice every single movement and I know I'll miss it.

This year has been so great for Davy and me. We've had so many blessings come our way and I'm just so thankful that we're moving on to what promises to be an even better year.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

38 Week Update

Well ... I did not have such a great day at the Dr.'s office. My original appointment time was at 9:15 this morning. I got all the way to their office only to find out my Dr. was doing a C-section and would not be back until 10:30. I was offered an appointment on a different day and I refused to be seen any other day than today, so they changed the appointment time to 11 this morning. I had to wait for almost an hour before they got me into the room and another 15 minutes of waiting for the Dr. once I was back in the room. No big deal, just a lot of boredom and time wasted that I could have done without.

She checked me and I'm 75% effaced and still dilated to a one. That means I only have 25% more to go before things will start to move along quicker. My doctor doesn't think I'll make it past next week to my due date. GREAT NEWS. Then she tells me that she's out of town all of next week. I'll be stuck with the "doctor on call". A freaking stranger will be delivering my baby if I do happen to deliver next week, which my doctor thinks is likely.

Am I mistaken in the fact that the Dr. you choose at the beginning of your pregnancy is the one that you want to deliver your baby? Needless to say, I'm disappointed in my doctor. I have been upset all day, but have slowly come to terms with this news. I just want my baby to be healthy and as long as I have a doctor to deliver him, I am happy.

So - we expect Jackson to arrive sometime next week, if not sooner. He may surprise us and come late, but I think he wants out - haha. If you're reading this: Send me some labor dust!

Monday, December 14, 2009

37 week Update

I went to the Dr. this morning for my first internal and 37 week appointment. I had high blood pressure but no protein in my urine so I'm still doing okay. I'm also up 2 more pounds which is perfect!
I am dilated to a one and my cervix is thinning. I'm also measuring over 38 weeks so I hope that means we'll be meeting our little boy soon. It's good to know that my body is getting ready for labor and I'm looking forward to next week's appointment and for more progress!