Tuesday, September 15, 2009


How far along? 26 weeks, 3 days - Third Trimester already!? Where has all this time gone?

Total weight gain/loss: 0. I lost 10 pound to begin with and have slowly gained that back.

Stretch marks? OH MY GOSH. Just this week I noticed them - they are growing up my belly day by day and getting more reddish purple by the minute.

Sleep: I love sleep. I have some crazy messed up dreams and nightmares but I get plenty of sleep.

Best moment this week: Cuddling with Davy on the couch, watching our new TV ( Davy won a 42" plasma TV from work) we watched conference and it was just so peaceful and nice.

Movement: He's getting further up every day. He's also getting so strong and never seems to stop moving.

Food cravings: Mashed potatoes and gravy, soups, breads, cinnamon rolls, brownies, just about anything that is really hearty - I think it's partly because of the weather change and partly because of being pregnant.

Gender: He's still a BOY!

Labor Signs: I've been having Braxton Hicks contractions randomly, but no signs of real labor and that's definitely a good thing. He still needs to cook for 13-14 more weeks!

Belly Button in or out? I've slowly been losing my belly button - give it a couple weeks and it'll be flat with my skin and a couple more weeks I'll look like a Thanksgiving turkey! hehe

What I miss: Not much. I do miss being able to lift and carry things whenever I wanted. Now I have to wait for Davy to get home to move boxes, take out the trash, etc.

What I am looking forward to: Maternity pictures should be taken sometime this month, so that's going to be fun!

Weekly Wisdom: Do NOT eat mashed potatoes and gravy within 2 hours before bed. You will wake up at 2 a.m. with the worst heartburn ever and have to shove tums and milk down your throat until the burning pit of he** that is in your chest is drenched. (good visual, right? :])

Milestones: This week I reached the 99 day mark. As of today, only 95 days until the due date!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day Camping

We went camping this weekend with my family. It was very fun and somewhat relaxing. Davy enjoyed the four wheelers and the wilderness. I enjoyed the bathroom in my parent's camper (he he) I am NOT a wilderness pee-er!

Davy set up our tent and we stayed in it for two out of the three nights we were there. The weather was so nice that we wore t-shirts most of the time and I only slept with one or two blankets on.

We took a drive up to Meadow Lake about 20 minutes from our campground. I watched everyone fish and sat on the rocks with my mom. Jackson was kicking like crazy so I had my mom put her hand on my tummy and sure enough he gave her a little nudge. My grandpa saw my mom's hand there and said "Hey, is there a little fish in there?" and sometimes it does feel like a fishy squirming around in there. I woke up this morning and Jackson had hiccups (the first hiccups I've felt!)I could feel him simultaneously up above and near my belly button and down by my hip on the opposite side. He's become so strong now that I can sometimes see the kicks, especially in the morning as soon as I wake up.

Only 4 months until I get to hold my little man. It's amazing how fast time goes by when you still have so much to do. We already have everything that he needs, however, there's no room for all of it in our two bedroom apartment. We will hopefully be able to move into a bigger space and in the moving process I can get everything organized.

Davy's cousin has recently acquired a crib and wants us to have it! I'm so excited to see it and get it into a nursery for Jackson. We also have all of the baby things that he'll need including clothing because my sister is kindly letting us borrow everything Jameson has grown out of and no longer needs. I'm so thankful for her! We will be going to Costco this weekend to buy his car seat/stroller so I'm excited for that.

Well, that's about it for the Crockett family - we're just living and loving life!