Wednesday, August 21, 2013


We have really been enjoying our summer here in Idaho. We are loving being with our families and friends and our wonderful ward. Davy worked for two more months in North Dakota but he just came home for good this last Saturday. He had two job interviews on Monday but neither of them were going to work for our family. His old boss at Franklin offered him a raise and a job starting the next day so we took it and we are feeling very blessed to have so much opportunity.

The boys are growing up too fast. I know I say that a lot but it's the truth! Jackson learns so many new thing every day. He LOVES going to church and learning about Jesus and he even sings me the songs from Primary now. I can't even tell you how happy it makes me to know that he is learning all of these wonderful things and that he enjoys it. He is working on drawing his letters and counting higher up in numbers.  We are planning on keeping him home for this first year of preschool so I have some work ahead of me but it will be so fun and I know Jackson will teach me things as well.

Remington has really been walking everywhere lately. He also learns new words all the time. He loves to talk and walk around. He eats more than any kid I know. I swear this kid is always hungry. He has to have breakfast immediately upon waking up in the morning, a couple hours later he needs a nice big snack and it just keeps going all day until bed time. He is very loving and so funny. He giggles a lot and of course his giggles make us laugh as well. He is also a little climber, he has learned to climb up stairs and is learning to climb down them safely. The other day he climbed out of his high chair and onto the couch and from there to the floor. I was in the kitchen, thinking he was in his high chair eating lunch and I turned around and he was right behind me.

We are so blessed to all be together again as a family.

Until you're broken, you don't know what you're made of.
We have been feeling this way a lot lately. We are going through some things and despite our setbacks and bad things going on, we know we are so lucky and so blessed for so many reasons and we really are finding out what we are made of. We are strong and we will get through anything.