Thursday, August 30, 2012

He's Here!

Our little sweetheart, Remington Joseph is here! (And my post is about a month late) . He was born on July 27, 2012 at 7:34 a.m. He weighed 7 pounds 5 oz. and was 19 1/2 inches long. Here are some pictures:                                                                     

On our way to the hospital

Jackson loving his little brother from the very beginning.
On our way home from the hospital


Jackson loves his little brother and he always loves to hold him. He has to let everyone we meet know about his baby brother "Nemington". If someone doesn't acknowledge the baby quickly, he proceeds to bother them until they take a look at his baby brother. He goes out of his way to make sure I'm taking proper care of the baby. He tells me to bring the baby upstairs with us in the morning and is really worried about him if he's not in the same room with us at all times. If Remington cries he "kisses him better" and repeatedly tells him "It's okay, Nemington, you're okay. Be a tough boy!" I'm so glad that he is such a great little helper and loves Remington. We have had to deal with very little jealousy and I'm so proud of Jackson for being so selfless at such a young age. He truly is an amazing little boy.

Jackson is officially potty trained (has been for about 2 months now) and we love it. He is so responsible. He gets smarter every day and we are able to hold intelligent conversations ( for a 2 1/2 year old) with him. He has a great imagination and makes us laugh every day.

Remington now weighs 9 pounds 1 oz. and is 21" long. He has grown a lot in the past month. I can't believe my tiny baby is already a month old!

We are looking forward to the fall and Christmas season. I know, it's only August but I am SO OVER summer.  I can't wait to dress the boys up for Halloween and make caramel apples and take Jackson trick or treating and jumping in the piles of leaves at my parent's house.

Everything is going pretty well for us, we are just getting used to a little less sleep and a whole lot more love. There's nothing better than a new baby and a toddler to snuggle up with, to teach, to nurture and take care of. Life really is good.