Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Living Life

It's been a long time since I posted last. There are many reasons for that but I don't quite feel ready to talk about those particular things yet. So for now, I'm going to talk about the fun stuff we've been doing around our house for the past 2 months.
The boys are becoming the best of friends. They truly love each other and are pretty much inseparable. I love it! 

Jackson is in preschool and he loves it so much. He has made new friends and has 2 fantastic teachers that he adores. He is spelling words out that he sees. He can read any word by spelling it out and with some help from me, sounding it out. We have wonderful conversations with him about things he's thinking about and all of the fun stuff he imagines. Jackson also really loves being a Sunbeam at church. He loves his teacher and learning about Jesus. He is always encouraging us to say the blessing on our meals and he even says it himself sometimes. He is very protective and giving towards his little brother. If Remington falls down, he runs to get his blanket to comfort him. He also always shares his snacks, which may not be a big deal for us, but for Jackson, it's special. He helps out around the house as well. He loves to help me sweep the floors, do the laundry and make the beds. He is so optimistic and sweet, I hope that never changes! 

Remington has grown so much the past couple of months. He is now walking and running everywhere. He also does this little stomp, dance, walk thing that I really need to get on video sometime. If he hears upbeat music, he stops what he's doing and dances around the room. Within the last 3 weeks, his language skills have just exploded. He went from 10 words to about 30 and growing every day. He says "I love you" and is really good at copying what people say.

His favorite word, however, is "NO!" He also has a little attitude to go along with his favorite word. Here is a picture of his "NO" face:  
    Halloween was so much fun this year. Jackson picked out his costume and was so excited to wear it. Both boys were great while Trick or Treating although Jackson fell down twice because he was running from house to house. 

They love to snuggle together on the couch and watch movies together. Their current favorite is Tangled. 
I love this grumpy face. He apparently didn't want his pictures taken anymore. 
We have a rocking horse and a little ride on 4 wheeler. The boys love to "race" each other on them across the living room. 

We have been playing outside a lot this last week because of the nice sunny weather. Jackson and Remington love the leaf pile, making messes in the dirt, and climbing all over things in the backyard.

Remington is a little artist. He will play in the leaves and dirt and on the slide for a little while but his absolute favorite thing to do is to draw on the stairs and sidewalk with chalk. 

You don't often find Remington without his blanket. he calls it his "baby" and he LOVES it. I'm not sure what we would do without those blankets!

We are really enjoying that Davy is home and that we get to see him every day. I love that I get to stay home with the boys and be with them as they are learning and growing so much every minute. We are all really looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas and Jackson's birthday. Davy and I are especially looking forward to our trip to Salt Lake City to see the temple lights and have a weekend away from the boys. We love them dearly but it will be nice to have a small break to focus on us and sleep in a little bit. 
Thanks for reading about our family. I promise to update again soon!