Saturday, March 3, 2012

It's a ....

BOY! Another handsome baby boy will be joining our family at the end of July and we can't wait. He was not shy at all for the ultrasound and he is perfectly healthy with a heart rate of 150. He's measuring two days ahead, at about 5 1/2 inches and 9 oz, he's already a big boy. His name is Remington Joseph. Davy and I both love his first name and his middle name is after my dad, which is something that is important to me. We've had some mixed reactions to the name Remington, but from the moment that we decided on that name (before we were even trying to conceive him, by the way) it has just felt right.
He has also been kicking and squirming a lot more lately and I'm sure we will have another active little guy on our hands pretty soon. Jackson loves to say baby "Brutha" and "Eminton" is how he says his name. A few days ago he came up to my belly and rubbed it and said "Ohhh cuuuute baby mom". I have an adorable 2 year old.
Update on Jackson: He is getting SO BIG! He's 33" tall and weighs about 27 pounds. He is also getting too smart for us. He "sings" the alphabet to the best of his ability, but it comes out with a lot of D's and P's, haha. He can also count from 1 to 18 but sometimes skips a few in the middle. He recognizes certain letters and numbers and makes sure that you know it. He knows and recognizes all of the shapes and colors but most of the time he tests you to see if you're paying attention to him by teasing you with telling you the wrong color. It's kind of hilarious. He has also started the dreaded "WHY?" phase which is also quite funny. We started just answering "Because." every time regardless of the question because he would never listen to the real answer anyway. Now when we ask him "Why, Jackson?" He tells us "Cuz!" He makes us laugh every day, multiple times a day and I can't imagine life without him. What a great blessing he is to us.
Well, I'm now 18 weeks along, so here's another update:
Sweet Potato
How Far Along: 18 weeks
Total Weight Gain: I've lost 8 pounds so far.
Sleep: I always sleep pretty well. I'm able to go into REM sleep quickly (I think) and I dream A LOT. I have some of the strangest dreams.
Stretch Marks: The same ones I received from Jackson growing in there :]
Best Moment This Week: The ultrasound was amazing. I cried (happy tears) when they told me I was (undoubtedly) having another son. Surprisingly, as much as I wanted a girl, I think I'm just as excited for this second little guy coming into our lives. Also, Davy feeling the little man kick him for the first time.
Movement: Oh yes! He's a really good little mover. Davy was actually able to feel him kick my belly yesterday. What a strong little guy we already have!
Food Cravings: Mexican food, Italian food, french fries, chili cheese fries, grapes, apples with peanut butter, cupcakes, vanilla ice cream, fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, meatball sub, chicken parmesian.
Gender: He's a BOY!
Labor Signs: None. I have been feeling some Braxton Hicks but they're normal.
Belly Button: Definitely in!
What I Miss: Not having to pee every 1/2 hour to an hour.
What I'm looking forward to: Seeing Jackson meet his little brother and watching them grow up together. I am just really excited to hold this little one in my arms for the first time. I know it's quite a few weeks away, but I'm already so in love with him, I can't help it!