Sunday, December 23, 2012

Update On Us

Our little family is doing alright. We are all healthy and happy and doing well. I am still working p/t at the Ortho. clinic and Davy is still at Franklin Building Supply. We're just enjoying the weekends and evenings we get to spend with the little ones.

Jackson is growing up every day and learning new things. He makes us laugh all the time! He says things like "I'm gonna shoot it, and cut it and eat it" (Regarding the elk that his grandpa and uncle and daddy were going hunting for). We're not really sure where he came up with that since it kind of came out of the blue. He can really get his point across to us, he lets us know if we're not paying enough attention to him by saying "Mom(or Dad), listen to me!" He's a big helper and knows what recycling is and what garbage is and sorts them accordingly. When people ask him who his daddy is, he says "Davy Crockett!" and if they ask what his brother's name is, it's "Nemington Jewseph" (Remington Joseph, hahaha). He likes to tease me a lot as well. If I call him a "good boy", he says "Well you're a good boy too mom!" and when I tell him I'm actually a good girl, he grins and argues back, "no - you're a good boy!" With him turning 3 this year, he gets to go to preschool in the fall, I'm not quite sure if I'm ready for him to be so grown up! He tells people that he's turning 3 at his next birthday and that he's going to have a "LIGHTNING MCQUEEN!" birthday cake, and his entire face lights up. I had better get on planning his party since his birthday is in less than 2 weeks!

Remington is a little sweetie. He is the BEST baby, he hardly ever cries and when he does, it's just for a minute. I wake up every morning to his smiling face and he isn't afraid to smile for pretty much everyone. Davy and I went away to Jackson Hole for the weekend in the beginning of December and left the boys with their grandparents and when we got back Remington just snuggled up on my chest and into my neck for about 30 minutes. He's usually to busy looking around and playing with things to snuggle me. We stood there for a while just breathing each other in and it was amazing. There is nothing better than your own baby's personal smell and feel. He has begun to babble a little bit and says "coo" and he says "mama" or "MOM" when he's really hungry. I sat him up next to his brother when we were snuggling in bed this morning and he rolled over and started cooing and talking to Jackson and then said "Bubba" and "Brubba" over and over. Jackson was thrilled that he was calling him "brother". Remington hates tummy time almost as much as Jackson hated it, but we're working on it! He LOVES to play with toys. He especially loves the ones that make noise like rattles and the
crinkly books. He loves to chew on everything and he is so alert when he's awake. He's been sleeping through the night since he was about 2 months old and he sleeps even longer now which is super nice for me.

Jackson helped me decorate for Christmas this year and he loves all of the Christmas songs. I was talking about Santa Claus and how he's going to come to our house and bring him toys but only if he's a good boy. To which he replied "But I AM a good boy, mom!"

We are super excited for Christmas and all of the fun things we get to do and see and partake of this holiday season. I have consistently been trying to explain the True meaning of Christmas to Jackson and he seems to get it at least a little bit. He knows that Christmas is when we celebrate baby Jesus' Birthday and how special that was. He asked about the nativity set at my parent's house and I told him the story, his favorite part was the shepherds and their little baby sheep and of course, the tiny baby Jesus.

Here's one last story that should cheer up even the "Grinchiest" of people:
Jackson and I were talking in the car on the way to my sister's house and here is our conversation:
Jackson: My name is Jackson Crockett and my daddy's name is DAVY CROCKETT!
Me: Yep, that sure is your names!
...after a few seconds of thinking ...
Jackson: My Daddy beats me.
Me: (thinking, oh my gosh! Your daddy doesn't even spank you, haha): What do you mean daddy beats you honey?
Jackson: Well, you know when me and daddy race our cars and he beats me at the finish line, mom!
Me: Oh, yeah ... that would definitely be considered beating you .. in a race huh?
Jackson: Yeah, mom - and then sometimes when we race some more, I beat him!
Me: Whew ... I'm really glad that's the kind of "beating" you were talking about!

hehehe. Gosh, I love that kid.

 We hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a Fantastic New Year!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

He's Here!

Our little sweetheart, Remington Joseph is here! (And my post is about a month late) . He was born on July 27, 2012 at 7:34 a.m. He weighed 7 pounds 5 oz. and was 19 1/2 inches long. Here are some pictures:                                                                     

On our way to the hospital

Jackson loving his little brother from the very beginning.
On our way home from the hospital


Jackson loves his little brother and he always loves to hold him. He has to let everyone we meet know about his baby brother "Nemington". If someone doesn't acknowledge the baby quickly, he proceeds to bother them until they take a look at his baby brother. He goes out of his way to make sure I'm taking proper care of the baby. He tells me to bring the baby upstairs with us in the morning and is really worried about him if he's not in the same room with us at all times. If Remington cries he "kisses him better" and repeatedly tells him "It's okay, Nemington, you're okay. Be a tough boy!" I'm so glad that he is such a great little helper and loves Remington. We have had to deal with very little jealousy and I'm so proud of Jackson for being so selfless at such a young age. He truly is an amazing little boy.

Jackson is officially potty trained (has been for about 2 months now) and we love it. He is so responsible. He gets smarter every day and we are able to hold intelligent conversations ( for a 2 1/2 year old) with him. He has a great imagination and makes us laugh every day.

Remington now weighs 9 pounds 1 oz. and is 21" long. He has grown a lot in the past month. I can't believe my tiny baby is already a month old!

We are looking forward to the fall and Christmas season. I know, it's only August but I am SO OVER summer.  I can't wait to dress the boys up for Halloween and make caramel apples and take Jackson trick or treating and jumping in the piles of leaves at my parent's house.

Everything is going pretty well for us, we are just getting used to a little less sleep and a whole lot more love. There's nothing better than a new baby and a toddler to snuggle up with, to teach, to nurture and take care of. Life really is good.

Friday, June 15, 2012

33 Weeks and I'm officially waddling

Wow, it's been a long time since I've posted. Sorry! Well, we are all doing just fine. Jackson is our little joy and he makes us laugh every day. He is SO smart as well. He can recognize and say all of his letters (big and little letters) and has even started singing the alphabet a little bit better. He can count to 20 and can recognize numbers 1-10 on flashcards and books, tv, etc. He knows all of his shapes and colors and makes sure that we know how smart he is by telling us (all of the time!) He's also a little sweet heart, especially to me. The other day he ran up to me and hugged me tightly around the neck and said "You the best, mom!" Needless to say, that made my day. He knows how much I love it, so he comes up a couple times a day and reminds me that "I'm the best". We also have a nighttime routine that he loves and follows: I help him brush his teeth and then he brushes his teeth while I'm brushing mine, then we wash our hands and faces and hop into bed for a book and some songs. Then, just before he falls asleep, he tells us (Davy and me) "Sleep tight, yuv you." It's times like those that we know we're truly blessed to have this little boy in our lives.

How's the pregnancy going? It's going. I feel fine most days but I can honestly say that I'm ready to have an outside baby SOON. The good news is that we have an official c-section date set; July 27, 2012. So unless Remington decides to come before that, that's going to be his birthday. We're excited to meet him and for Jackson to meet him. I just know that he'll be a loving big brother and we'll have to make some adjustments and changes, but he's going to enjoy having a little companion around all of the time.

Here's the update!
He's the size of a durian fruit! Wait, what the heck is a durian fruit?
He weighs about 4.2 to 5.8 pounds and measures about 17.2 to 18.7 inches. And he may grow up to a full inch this week -- amazing. 

  • He's keeping his eyes open while awake.

  • He's also starting to coordinate breathing with sucking and swallowing.

  • His bones are hardening.

  • And he going through (more) major brain development -- that's one smart baby!

  • How Far Along: 33 weeks
    Total Weight Gain: I'm (FINALLY) up about 3 pounds from pre-pregnancy weight.
    Sleep: I sleep great once I actually get to sleep. I don't usually even have to get up in the middle of the night to go pee. Yay!
    Stretch Marks: The same ones I received from Jackson, plus some more. My poor stomach looks like it's so angry because of all of the red and blue "stripes".
    Best Moment This Week: Jackson telling me "You're the best, mom!"
    Movement: yes indeed. I can tell that he is growing and getting so big because I can feel every movement, even the tiny ones. He gets hiccups a couple times a day so that's always fun.
    Food Cravings: I'm craving apples, baked potatoes, cheese as usual and anything sweet.
    Gender: He's a BOY!
    Labor Signs: Just some Braxton Hicks contractions
    Belly Button: It's about even with my belly, almost disappeared!
    What I Miss: Not waddling when I walk!
    What I'm looking forward to: Just meeting my newest baby boy and seeing how much Jackson loves him

    Wednesday, April 4, 2012

    23 Weeks

     This week has been a little challenging for me. I woke up Sunday morning with severe lower back pain and some major cramping in my pelvis area. It was so bad that I could hardly function. So, Davy packed me into the car and off we went to Labor and Delivery. We got to the hospital and got all hooked up to the monitors and baby Remington was doing just fine. He had a normal heart rate and was very active. They checked to see if I was having contractions but they were very mild and nothing to worry about. They received the news that my urine culture came back and all that I have is the beginnings of a uti. What is frustrating is that I still have the pain in my lower back. I guess we will wait and see at my appointment next week what is going on in my body. My pregnancy with Jackson was literally so perfect. I had no health problems and in fact felt better than ever during the pregnancy. Obviously, that is not the case now. Even though I'm having some pain and had to deal with uncontrollable nausea for 10 weeks in the beginning, I wouldn't change this for anything in the world. It's just so worth it.

    Here's the update!

     How Far Along: 23 weeks
    Total Weight Gain: I'm down about 2 pounds now.
    Sleep: I'm in pain and sleep intermittently. I go to sleep really early and toss and turn trying to get comfortable.
    Stretch Marks: The same ones I received from Jackson growing in there, I think  :]
    Best Moment This Week: Jackson woke up last night and got into my bed with me, snuggled in close and said, "I love you mommy". He sure knows how to make everything better
    Movement:Oh yes. He is one crazy active little child. His movements are also a lot stronger and he loves to kick me in the bladder
    Food Cravings: I'm feeling nauseous this week so the only thing I'm craving is Tootsie pops and jelly beans.
    Gender: He's a BOY!
    Labor Signs: Just some Braxton Hicks contractions
    Belly Button: Still in but it's slowly progressing outward. It's getting smaller and smaller by the day!
    What I Miss: This week I miss not having pain in my back :( I wish I could just go back to my normal pregnancy.
    What I'm looking forward to: I'm looking forward to finding out the exact day this little man will come into the world. He has to come 7-10 days earlier than his due date because of a repeat c-section. So, for now the last day he can be an inside baby is July 25th.

    Saturday, March 3, 2012

    It's a ....

    BOY! Another handsome baby boy will be joining our family at the end of July and we can't wait. He was not shy at all for the ultrasound and he is perfectly healthy with a heart rate of 150. He's measuring two days ahead, at about 5 1/2 inches and 9 oz, he's already a big boy. His name is Remington Joseph. Davy and I both love his first name and his middle name is after my dad, which is something that is important to me. We've had some mixed reactions to the name Remington, but from the moment that we decided on that name (before we were even trying to conceive him, by the way) it has just felt right.
    He has also been kicking and squirming a lot more lately and I'm sure we will have another active little guy on our hands pretty soon. Jackson loves to say baby "Brutha" and "Eminton" is how he says his name. A few days ago he came up to my belly and rubbed it and said "Ohhh cuuuute baby mom". I have an adorable 2 year old.
    Update on Jackson: He is getting SO BIG! He's 33" tall and weighs about 27 pounds. He is also getting too smart for us. He "sings" the alphabet to the best of his ability, but it comes out with a lot of D's and P's, haha. He can also count from 1 to 18 but sometimes skips a few in the middle. He recognizes certain letters and numbers and makes sure that you know it. He knows and recognizes all of the shapes and colors but most of the time he tests you to see if you're paying attention to him by teasing you with telling you the wrong color. It's kind of hilarious. He has also started the dreaded "WHY?" phase which is also quite funny. We started just answering "Because." every time regardless of the question because he would never listen to the real answer anyway. Now when we ask him "Why, Jackson?" He tells us "Cuz!" He makes us laugh every day, multiple times a day and I can't imagine life without him. What a great blessing he is to us.
    Well, I'm now 18 weeks along, so here's another update:
    Sweet Potato
    How Far Along: 18 weeks
    Total Weight Gain: I've lost 8 pounds so far.
    Sleep: I always sleep pretty well. I'm able to go into REM sleep quickly (I think) and I dream A LOT. I have some of the strangest dreams.
    Stretch Marks: The same ones I received from Jackson growing in there :]
    Best Moment This Week: The ultrasound was amazing. I cried (happy tears) when they told me I was (undoubtedly) having another son. Surprisingly, as much as I wanted a girl, I think I'm just as excited for this second little guy coming into our lives. Also, Davy feeling the little man kick him for the first time.
    Movement: Oh yes! He's a really good little mover. Davy was actually able to feel him kick my belly yesterday. What a strong little guy we already have!
    Food Cravings: Mexican food, Italian food, french fries, chili cheese fries, grapes, apples with peanut butter, cupcakes, vanilla ice cream, fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, meatball sub, chicken parmesian.
    Gender: He's a BOY!
    Labor Signs: None. I have been feeling some Braxton Hicks but they're normal.
    Belly Button: Definitely in!
    What I Miss: Not having to pee every 1/2 hour to an hour.
    What I'm looking forward to: Seeing Jackson meet his little brother and watching them grow up together. I am just really excited to hold this little one in my arms for the first time. I know it's quite a few weeks away, but I'm already so in love with him, I can't help it!

    Thursday, February 2, 2012

    Second Trimester!

    At week 14, your baby is 3.4 inches and 1.5 ounces, he's almost doubled in weight since last week and keeps on growing.
    He's probably sucking his thumb and wiggling his toes in there!

    His kidneys are making urine, and his liver and spleen are doing their jobs, too.

    And he's growing lanugo, a thin, peach-fuzz-like hair, all over his body -- it will help him keep warm!

    How Far Along: 14 weeks 

    Total Weight Gain: I've lost 5 pounds so far. It's not unusual for me to lose weight in the first trimester.

    Sleep: It's good. I have to get up and pee at least once per night and I have 2-4 crazy dreams per week so that's always interesting.
    Stretch Marks: The same ones I received from Jackson growing in there :]
    Best Moment This Week: Reaching the second trimester!
    Movement: I've been thinking that I've been feeling some wiggles but I will probably never know for sure until I feel that first, unmistakable kick. That doesn't stop me from laying on my back every night and pressing on my belly to see if baby will squirm for me.
    Food Cravings:  Mexican food, ice cream, chips, apples and peanut butter, grapes, chocolate, sugary cereal, french fries, muffins, nacho cheese (on chips),

    Food Aversions:  Lunch meat, bread, hamburger, chili, cheese, anything canned
    Gender: We don't know yet. I'm hoping to be able to find out in the next few weeks! (I can't believe I'm at that point already!)
    Labor Signs: None. Thank goodness.
    Belly Button: Definitely in!

    What I Miss: I miss being able to look in my fridge and not want to gag at some of the food. There is nothing really strange in our fridge, but when I think about certain foods or combos of foods I get queasy.
    What I'm looking forward to: Feeling this baby MOVE and I cannot wait for the ultrasound. I want to make sure baby is healthy but it will also be nice to know if we're starting a new adventure with a little girl or if Jackson gets to have a sweet little brother.

    Sunday, January 8, 2012

    [{Baby News}]

    Baby Crockett #2 is on his or her way! We are SO excited and love dreaming up names and guessing the gender. This baby has been making me quite ill, so our big plans of announcing to my family had to be changed at the last minute. Here's the story:

    Every year on Christmas Eve, my family gets together and has a huge dinner. There are usually 15- 20 family members and there is so much good food. Unfortunately, my little baby wasn't having any Christmas Eve dinner. I was just about finished with my plate when I felt the dreaded "Oh no, I'm going to throw up" feeling. So I sat there and tried to just let it go away. (Because no one knew about the pregnancy, I didn't exactly want to announce it by getting sick) Well, it didn't go away. I ran into the bathroom and made it to the toilet. My parents' bathroom is not too far away from their dining room so pretty much everyone heard. How embarrassing. When I came out there were worried stares and glances and a few "Are you okay? Are you just not feeling well, have some sort of flu or something?" That's when we brought out Jackson in his shirt that says he's going to be a big brother and let him show everyone the ultrasound of our new little trouble maker. That's not exactly how I wanted to tell my family, but it will be a good story to tell this new little one when he or she is older. But for now, thanks baby. Mama loves you.