Friday, June 15, 2012

33 Weeks and I'm officially waddling

Wow, it's been a long time since I've posted. Sorry! Well, we are all doing just fine. Jackson is our little joy and he makes us laugh every day. He is SO smart as well. He can recognize and say all of his letters (big and little letters) and has even started singing the alphabet a little bit better. He can count to 20 and can recognize numbers 1-10 on flashcards and books, tv, etc. He knows all of his shapes and colors and makes sure that we know how smart he is by telling us (all of the time!) He's also a little sweet heart, especially to me. The other day he ran up to me and hugged me tightly around the neck and said "You the best, mom!" Needless to say, that made my day. He knows how much I love it, so he comes up a couple times a day and reminds me that "I'm the best". We also have a nighttime routine that he loves and follows: I help him brush his teeth and then he brushes his teeth while I'm brushing mine, then we wash our hands and faces and hop into bed for a book and some songs. Then, just before he falls asleep, he tells us (Davy and me) "Sleep tight, yuv you." It's times like those that we know we're truly blessed to have this little boy in our lives.

How's the pregnancy going? It's going. I feel fine most days but I can honestly say that I'm ready to have an outside baby SOON. The good news is that we have an official c-section date set; July 27, 2012. So unless Remington decides to come before that, that's going to be his birthday. We're excited to meet him and for Jackson to meet him. I just know that he'll be a loving big brother and we'll have to make some adjustments and changes, but he's going to enjoy having a little companion around all of the time.

Here's the update!
He's the size of a durian fruit! Wait, what the heck is a durian fruit?
He weighs about 4.2 to 5.8 pounds and measures about 17.2 to 18.7 inches. And he may grow up to a full inch this week -- amazing. 

  • He's keeping his eyes open while awake.

  • He's also starting to coordinate breathing with sucking and swallowing.

  • His bones are hardening.

  • And he going through (more) major brain development -- that's one smart baby!

  • How Far Along: 33 weeks
    Total Weight Gain: I'm (FINALLY) up about 3 pounds from pre-pregnancy weight.
    Sleep: I sleep great once I actually get to sleep. I don't usually even have to get up in the middle of the night to go pee. Yay!
    Stretch Marks: The same ones I received from Jackson, plus some more. My poor stomach looks like it's so angry because of all of the red and blue "stripes".
    Best Moment This Week: Jackson telling me "You're the best, mom!"
    Movement: yes indeed. I can tell that he is growing and getting so big because I can feel every movement, even the tiny ones. He gets hiccups a couple times a day so that's always fun.
    Food Cravings: I'm craving apples, baked potatoes, cheese as usual and anything sweet.
    Gender: He's a BOY!
    Labor Signs: Just some Braxton Hicks contractions
    Belly Button: It's about even with my belly, almost disappeared!
    What I Miss: Not waddling when I walk!
    What I'm looking forward to: Just meeting my newest baby boy and seeing how much Jackson loves him


    1. You've only gained 3 pounds total with this pregnancy? I'm confused. LoL

    2. Yeah, I lost 10 pounds in the beginning and slowly gained 7 pounds back but I could never gain any more. After about 10 more weeks, I am finally weighing 3 pounds more than my pre-pregnancy weight so my total weight gain is 3 pounds. :)

    3. Oh I love your little baby updates makes me want another baby...the baby fever has set in! I am so excited to meet Little Remington!

      1. Thanks! I know how you feel, baby fever is BAD! :)
