Tuesday, September 15, 2009


How far along? 26 weeks, 3 days - Third Trimester already!? Where has all this time gone?

Total weight gain/loss: 0. I lost 10 pound to begin with and have slowly gained that back.

Stretch marks? OH MY GOSH. Just this week I noticed them - they are growing up my belly day by day and getting more reddish purple by the minute.

Sleep: I love sleep. I have some crazy messed up dreams and nightmares but I get plenty of sleep.

Best moment this week: Cuddling with Davy on the couch, watching our new TV ( Davy won a 42" plasma TV from work) we watched conference and it was just so peaceful and nice.

Movement: He's getting further up every day. He's also getting so strong and never seems to stop moving.

Food cravings: Mashed potatoes and gravy, soups, breads, cinnamon rolls, brownies, just about anything that is really hearty - I think it's partly because of the weather change and partly because of being pregnant.

Gender: He's still a BOY!

Labor Signs: I've been having Braxton Hicks contractions randomly, but no signs of real labor and that's definitely a good thing. He still needs to cook for 13-14 more weeks!

Belly Button in or out? I've slowly been losing my belly button - give it a couple weeks and it'll be flat with my skin and a couple more weeks I'll look like a Thanksgiving turkey! hehe

What I miss: Not much. I do miss being able to lift and carry things whenever I wanted. Now I have to wait for Davy to get home to move boxes, take out the trash, etc.

What I am looking forward to: Maternity pictures should be taken sometime this month, so that's going to be fun!

Weekly Wisdom: Do NOT eat mashed potatoes and gravy within 2 hours before bed. You will wake up at 2 a.m. with the worst heartburn ever and have to shove tums and milk down your throat until the burning pit of he** that is in your chest is drenched. (good visual, right? :])

Milestones: This week I reached the 99 day mark. As of today, only 95 days until the due date!

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