Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Happy 6 Months!

Happy 6 months to my little Jackson! Although he's not so little anymore! This past month, he has learned to roll from tummy to back and from back to tummy. His head control gets better every day and I'm kind of afraid that we'll have a crawler by next month! He's still learning to sit up on his own and Davy and I love teaching him all of these things.

Jackson has learned to say MAMA, DA-DA, DAD, DADDY and BA-BA. Did you notice how many variations of Dad he has in there? Someone sure loves his daddy. Da-da is also his most used word (probably because it's the easiest to scream, hehe).

He is eating baby food and LOVES it ... well, almost all of it. His list keeps growing of the foods that he loves and also foods that he doesn't like so much. He is not a fan of sweet potatoes and peaches. If you give him applesauce, squash or cantaloupe, he'll scream like a banshee if you take it away from him, especially cantaloupe.

He has such a little personality. He's just recently been acting "shy" around people and snuggles his face in your chest when a new person approaches and smiles at him. It's so cute and I love it because I'm usually the one holding him so I get all of the snuggles. Jackson also loves to kiss cheeks. He opens his mouth wide, grabs your face, finds your cheek and hunkers down for a juicy cheek kiss. I LOVE IT! Another habit of his is fake coughing. He's added a little chuckle to his fake cough ... hilarious! My little man is becoming such a character.

In other news: Davy's sister Allison and her husband Chris are traveling from Virginia to go to Davy's little sister, Chelsie's wedding on the 10th. We are so excited to be with them and for them to meet Jackson. With any luck, Jackson will behave at this wedding ... (Yes, I was the mommy with the screaming child at the last family wedding, but you can't expect him to be happy in a 100 degree chapel, can you? Especially when we were stuck in the middle of the aisle with no easy way out!)

We are making our way to Salmon for the 4th of July weekend. We're excited to see family and for more members of our family to meet my smiley Jackson. He'll also get to interact with his cousins and have some fun playtime.

I hardly ever mention Davy in my posts, so I'm going to take a minute to tell him just how much he means to me(becuase I know he reads this blog, haha)

Davy, you are the best husband a girl could ask for. I knew I was going to marry you after our very first date. You are a loyal and kind man and you truly make me a better person when I'm around you. I never thought I'd find my soul mate at such a young age, but when I'm with you I just know that you are my "forever". I am so happy that we chose to get sealed to each other in the temple because now that I have you, I can't imagine losing you at death. And this precious life that we brought into this world, our little Jackson, has been such a blessing for the both of us. He has brought us closer and turned our world upside down. Thank you for giving me the gift that you are, the blessing that our son is and the promise to be with me through good, bad and for all eternity. I love you.


  1. Thanks for being a follower on my craft blog!:)

    PS...I LOVE the name Jackson! He is adorable!

  2. Thank you, I love his name, too! I love your blog, you've given me so many creative ideas already!
