Thursday, June 19, 2014

It's a GIRL!

It is time to share the news on the blog ... Baby Crockett #3, our Rainbow Baby, is on her way. Her scheduled date of arrival is October 3rd and we are SO excited! We plan on naming her Piper Grace.

We waited quite a while to tell the world about this pregnancy. I was 18 weeks along when we announced to the world. A lot of people might not understand waiting that long, but it was what I wanted and needed. When we experienced our loss last October, it was hard to even wrap my head around trying for a baby again. One day I was thinking that I never wanted to be pregnant again and the next day I wanted to start trying as soon as the Dr. said it was okay. When I found out I was pregnant, I immediately knew I wanted to wait until I saw baby on the ultrasound sometime after 14 weeks (at 14 weeks, while not completely risk free, the odds of a miscarriage go down to less than 1%) to tell anyone. Our anatomy scan was scheduled for 17 weeks so we chose Mother's Day to reveal to the world our good news.

I wish I could say this pregnancy has been completely stress free but it hasn't. With my boys' pregnancies, I was a little worried about experiencing a loss, but it was never in the forefront of my mind for long periods of time. This time, the first 17 weeks leading up to seeing that healthy baby on the anatomy scan were excruciating. I was constantly paranoid about every twinge, cramp or muscle ache in my abdomen or lower back. I would hold my breath after going to the bathroom and say a quick prayer that everything would be okay. I was definitely not my normal self for those weeks. I took it one day at a time and talked through things with Davy and a close friend. I am so thankful for both of them and that I have (mostly) overcome those feelings.

Now for the fun stuff:
Baby is the size of a Bunch of Grapes!
How Far Along: 23 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 2 pounds
Sleep: I sleep through the night! Yay!
Stretch Marks: No new ones yet.
Best Moment This Week: Taking my boys to the circus. They loved it!
Movement: She is a wiggler in the evenings and mornings and I think she sleeps all day because I hardly ever feel her during the day. 
Food Cravings: This week I am craving Chinese food and chocolate. From weeks 12-18 I was obsessed with gummy worms, yum!
Gender: She is a GIRL!
Labor Signs: None.
Belly Button: Still an innie but it's working on bumping out!
What I Miss: I miss sleeping on my stomach :(
What I'm looking forward to: I am so looking forward to seeing Jackson and Remington being big brothers.

Jackson is so, so excited to have a baby sister. He bundles Remington's blanket up and pretends it's his baby sister. He walks around cradling her very gently and letting us all know that he has his baby sister and that he is taking good care of her. He even has Remington copying him. It's so cute to hear Remi say "A baby sisser!" as he cuddles his bundled up blanket. Jackson doesn't like our name choice for his baby sister. Every time I tell him he can call her Piper if he wants instead of just baby sister, he says he doesn't like that name and wants to name her "Salty" instead. Ummm, probably not, buddy! He is growing up so fast. He is getting taller and more mature every day. He can write and spell his name and says things that make me laugh all of the time. He is a fantastic helper with his little brother and is almost always selfless and so giving. I am lucky to have him as my son.

Remington will be 2 years old next month! Ahhh! Where has the time gone? His vocabulary and speech has exploded lately. He talks in full sentences now and it's so nice being able to communicate with him. He is also SO hilarious. He is beginning to say things that have Davy and I cracking up with laughter. I apparently say "Jackson Alvin David" a lot because Remington has started to copy me. If Jackson is annoying him or doing something wrong, he will growl/yell "JACKSON DAVID" It is the funniest thing to hear and Jackson and I laugh every time he says it. He is a little snuggle bug and loves to sit in my lap all day. He does like to get up and play quite a lot but he is also content just letting me hold him and snuggle him which I can't get enough of.

I think that is all of the updates for our family now, thanks for reading!

For anyone who doesn't understand the term "Rainbow Baby":